The LightHouse
Community Hup

Empowering Lives, Building Hope

The Community Hub; Syrian internally displaced people (IDPs) and survivors rescued from the ongoing war and conflict are in dire need of support. The establishment of the Qah Camp Community Hub, a collaborative effort between INARA and Kids Paradise, is not just a response to their needs; it is our commitment to addressing the critical mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), education, medical, and economic empowerment requirements of the affected population.

the Lighthouse

MHPSS for Emotional Healing

To offer specialized MHPSS services that help children, caregivers, and communities recover from the deep emotional scars left by the conflict, providing tools for resilience and coping.

Reestablishing Education

To support informal education for children, ensuring they regain lost academic ground, access essential learning materials, and foster a renewed interest in learning.

Healthcare Access

 To provide outpatient medical services to the community, ensuring access to medical consultations, treatment for common health issues, and referrals to higher-level healthcare facilities.

Empowering Families

 To equip families with skills, vocational training, and economic empowerment opportunities, fostering self-sufficiency, financial literacy, and entrepreneurial abilities.

Promoting Knowledge and Learning

To establish a community library, promoting a culture of learning, offering educational resources, reading sessions, and literacy programs for students and community members.

MHPSS for Emotional Healing

To offer specialized MHPSS services that help children, caregivers, and communities recover from the deep emotional scars left by the conflict, providing tools for resilience and coping.

Reestablishing Education

To support informal education for children, ensuring they regain lost academic ground, access essential learning materials, and foster a renewed interest in learning.

Healthcare Access

To provide outpatient medical services to the community, ensuring access to medical consultations, treatment for common health issues, and referrals to higher-level healthcare facilities.

Empowering Families

To equip families with skills, vocational training, and economic empowerment opportunities, fostering self-sufficiency, financial literacy, and entrepreneurial abilities.

Promoting Knowledge and Learning

To establish a community library, promoting a culture of learning, offering educational resources, reading sessions, and literacy programs for students and community members.

Help that lasts

The Art of Innovative Problem Solving

Puzzle Pieces

Assembling Creative Solutions for Real-World Challenges Workshop for students in grades 9-16 who are eager to apply creative thinking to meaningful problems.


Creative Process

At the core of what students learn is the creative process and how to use this process to problem solve and think critically about the world around them. Part of our R&D work is focused on creating tools and resources that make teaching the creative process easier.


Experienced educators or professionals with a background in creative thinking and problem-solving.
Remember to adapt the workshop based on the specific needs and interests of your participants. Encourage an open and supportive environment that fosters collaboration and innovation.


Experienced educators or professionals with a background in creative thinking and problem-solving.
Remember to adapt the workshop based on the specific needs and interests of your participants. Encourage an open and supportive environment that fosters collaboration and innovation.

Kids need a safe place
to call home more than ever.

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