PSS Stories


Improving the self-subsistence for women headed Households and the resilience of children in the midst of conflict

PSS Stories:  April & May /2021

  1. Sham Al-Sheikh:

I’m a student in Seger School, and I dream to be a lawyer to defend the oppressed in my country Stand by them and help them. Sham Al-Sheikh is one of the students of Seger School in Kreiz area who excelled in her school and has always had a distinctive imprint in our activities. She has never been absent from our activities, she is always distinguished by her participation, and she has a smile and optimism. She encourages her colleagues and inspires them in many things. Sham we are with you to achieve your dream and defend the oppressed!

  1. Nour Al-Hosni:

Nour says “Kreiz is a beautiful village, but Kafranbel is more beautiful….. Words said by the beautiful girl Nour, one of the students of Abd-Al Razzaq Kardoush School in Kreiz area. Nour and her family were displaced from their home due to the air raids of government planes on her peaceful village. I am in the fourth grade and I love my new friends and my new school, but I miss Alreef school in Kafranbel. I hope we all go back to our homes to meet my friends who have been abandoned like me. The innocence of childhood spoke and silenced everyone…… We are with you Nour and with all the children to get your dreams back”.

  1. Muhammad Al-Sheikh:

Muhammad is a fourth-grade student at Abd-Al Razzaq Kardoush School in Kreiz area. He loved his kind uncle very much and visited him regularly until he was killed by the bombing of government planes with cluster bombs on his small house, which made Omar feel very sad for him… Omar participated with PSS activities. He is polite and hardworking student. He was able to pass the past by knowing the therapeutic garden and new friends. We wish him and all his colleagues good luck.

  1. Raghad Al-Eido

Raghad is a third-grade student at Kafruhin School. She lives with her family in a house near the school. Raghad says: “The exam is dreadful, although I studied well, but I am still afraid.” Our PSS team answers her during the PSS activities: “Concentrate on your studies, eat well, get enough sleep on the night of the exam, and you will succeed, God willing.” 
